Welcome to Full Color Boxes - The best place to order folding cartons We offer boxes with handles, cube and rectangle shaped boxes, glueless boxes and pillow boxes.

We also make corrugated mailing and shipping boxes, please inquire.

Custom gifts or promotional products fit nicely in Cube Boxes. Choose an auto-bottom style cube box for mugs. It's better suited to hold heavier objects and sits evenly on a retail shelf.

Boxes with Handles     Cube Shaped Boxes     Glueless Boxes
Pillow Boxes     Rectangle Shaped Boxes

Custom gifts or promotional products fit nicely in
Cube Boxes. Choose an auto-bottom style cube
box for mugs. It's better suited to hold heavier
objects and sits evenly on a retail shelf.
Cube Boxes
Cube Boxes 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
No. 82229 16 pt. C1S 2.75″ Cube (RTE)
$ 2.52 1.65 1.15 .731 .571 .455 .374 .321
No. 83229 18 pt. C1S 2.75″ Cube (RTE)
$ 2.55 1.68 1.18 .758 .595 .477 .394 .338
No. 82248 16 pt. C1S 4″ Cube (RTE)
$ 2.81 1.93 1.44 .991 .804 .667 .568 .497
No. 83248 18 pt. C1S 4″ Cube (RTE)
$ 2.87 1.99 1.50 1.04 .848 .707 .604 .531
No. 82448 16 pt. C1S 4″ Cube (T T-AB)
$ 2.76 1.89 1.40 .955 .772 .639 .542 .473
No. 83448 18 pt. C1S 4″ Cube (T T-AB)
$ 2.82 1.95 1.46 1.00 .816 .678 .578 .506
Please identify repeat orders.
White C1S SBS Paperboard
16 pt. // 18 pt.
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match
Not available.
Copy Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders
with approved digital art. Add
$51.00(C) for artwork that does not
meet specifications.
Choose the right style for you
Straight Tuck Ends (STE)
Tucks on top and bottom.
Matching orientation creates
a clean, attractive front.
Reverse Tuck Ends (RTE)
Tucks on top and bottom.
Most common and
economical style.
Auto Bottom (TT-AB)
Tucks on top and has a
glued auto bottom closure.
Ideal for heavier products.
No. 82448 // No. 83448
No. 82248 // No. 83248